Executive Coaching

See beyond your current frame.

Executive coaching tailored to your unique goals and situation.

What is your biggest challenge right now?

  • Do you have a bold vision that you want to bring into reality?

  • Are you facing a transition, wanting to make the most of the opportunity?

  • Do you want to enhance your strategic leadership skills so that you can successfully tackle complex challenges of today and tomorrow?

Perhaps you’re wrestling with:

  • Self-doubt and the discomfort of fully owning your authentic leadership style and power

  • A disconnect with your audience, limiting your ability to enroll them in your vision for change

  • Or, simply being spread too thin and lacking the bandwidth for operating more strategically

The best predictor of a leader’s success is a specific set of skills and mindset they possess on the inside: vision & focus, emotional intelligence, mindset management, systemic intelligence and leadership presence.

Executive coaching offers a powerful reflective space that is also safe and confidential. It is an opportunity to step out of tired patterns of thought and behaviour that no longer serve you in your leadership. It is a growth and development accelerator that is highly tailored to you; something that no course or mentor can offer.

The results are often deeply transformational, with improvements not just in work but in all areas of life.

Zero in on what stands in your way, and optimize how you lead yourself and others for greater impact and influence.

Coaching can help you break through:

  • Feeling stuck in your career or project

  • Feeling frustrated, disillusioned or alone in pursuing your changemaking mission

  • Wasting energy and time on emotional turmoil

  • Strained workplace relationships

  • Reactive tendencies that sabotage your good intentions

Results that are available for you to gain:

  • Find a powerful, authentic voice of authority and influence

  • More control to focus on what's truly essential

  • Systemic leadership skills that you can use to achieve remarkable results for the rest of your career

  • Ability to effectively lead through uncertainty

  • Negotiate raises, promotions and exciting projects

  • Build teams that thrive

  • Transform difficult workplace relationships

  • Build strong strategic alliances in support of your mission

  • Eliminate self-doubt and self-sabotage

What is standing in the way of what you ultimately want to create? What if you could overcome all of that? What would the world look like then?

How it Works

Optimal impact in leadership hinges on five capabilities that are essential to effective strategic leadership: vision & focus, emotional intelligence, mindset management, leadership presence and systemic intelligence. Together we will assess and prioritize strengthening one or more of these areas that will make the biggest difference in your unique context.


Step 1 Book Your Discovery Call


Step 2 Develop Your Roadmap


Step 3 Implement and Transform


Each coaching program is closely tailored to the unique goals and circumstances of each client. Exact pricing is based on a custom-designed plan. Average investment of time ranges between 4-9 months.